Monday, January 18, 2010


I recently watched Sherlock Holmes that was really a piece of well crafted entertainment worth all the hoopla surrounding it. The excellent screenplay and cinematography is a complete visual treat. Robert Downey Jr plays the rugged version of the suave Holmes to which Jude Law plays a perfect partner as Dr. John Watson . The screen chemistry between Downey and and Law is crackling. Rachel McAdams (of the fame The Notebook) portrays Irene Adler with poise and charm that truly brings Holmes to the ends of his wit. Guy Ritchie whose previous work includes Lock ,Stock And Smoking Barrels and Snatch has brought a new flavor to Sir Aurther Connan Doyle's characters with a new story just like old wine in new bottle ......... so 2 thumbs up for Sherlock Holmes the greatest fictional detective characters of a ll times........Go watch it.........

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