Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hello bloggers.....................

I am a media student studying in manipal university .I am a 19 year old girl with a lot of opinions about everything ,
as they say " it is the opinion which defines you as a person but it is the choices which creates the human being that you are."
I love watching movies as they let me experience emotions and situations that I am yet to confront so you see movies is not just entertainment for me, its more . Media studies is something that I have always wanted to ever since i remember being a 6 year old. So i love what i am doing and I belive in living the moment which I truly do. My sense of humor is ironic but it IS not crude or crass.I have a lot of hobbies like travelling for instance and talking . I AM A SELF CONFESSED CHATTERBOX................ BUT I DO NOT TALK RUBBISH........ My political views are highly liberal and SO WITH THIS FIRST ENTRY I INTRODUCE MY SELF TO THE CYBER WORLD..........

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