Sunday, January 17, 2010


Jyoti Basu was India's communist czar. Who holds the record of serving as the chief minister of West Bengal from 1977 to 2000. A member of the CPI(M) Politburo who was introduced to COMMUNIST PARTY in England. He was a man of power who grew from the people .He was educated in some of most renowned institutions of the world which inspired him to serve the people of this country. He was a political stalwart, a man with carismatic approach to his ideologies. .Today when he passed away the country pays him respect. Although a man with a great political career ,he had refused to become the PM in the year 1996 even though there was apolitical consences among the parties. Which he later regarded as the biggest blunder of his life. He was succeeded by Prakash Karat as the Communist supremo and Buddhadeb Bhattacharya as the CM of bengal .He led a life of struggle but who always had mass following by his side always . Today the state looses mourns for the loss of its father figure.

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